Minimum Guidelines Approved by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI)
1. Confidentiality: A member will treat client information as confidential and will not take personal advantage of privileged information gathered during an assignment, or enable others to do so.
2 Unrealistic Expectations: A member will refrain from encouraging unrealistic expectations or promising clients that benefits are certain from specific consulting services.
3. Commissions/ Financial Interests: A member will neither accept commissions, remuneration or other benefits from a third party in connection with recommendations to a client without the client’s knowledge and consent nor fail to disclose any financial interest in goods or services, which form part of such recommendations.
4. Assignments: A member will accept only assignments for which the member has skills and knowledge to perform.
5. Conflicting Assignments: A member will avoid acting simultaneously (in potentially conflicting situations) without informing all parties in advance that this is intended.
6. Conferring with Clients: A member will ensure that before accepting any engagement, a mutual understanding of the objective, scope, workplan and free arrangements is established and any personal, financial or other interests which might influence the conduct of the work are disclosed.
7. Recruiting: A member will refrain from inviting an employee of a client to consider alternative employment without prior discussion with the client.
8. Approach: A member will maintain a fully professional approach in all dealings with the clients, the general public and fellow members.
9. Code of Professional Conduct: A member will ensure that other management consultants carrying out work on the ember’s behalf, are conversant with and abide by the Code of Professional Conduct.